
PL-Alternative Learning- Book Study 2024-2025 School Year ( DJJ Instructional and Non-Instructional Staff)- What Great Teachers Do Differently: 1/29 (8:00am- 12:00pm) @ MRJDC *DATE CHANGE

Ended Jan 29, 2025
5 credits

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Full course description


This component aligns with the Danielson Framework for Domain 2. Building an effective classroom environment focuses on classroom exchanges between the students and the teacher. Teachers will engage in professional learning that enhances their ability to create classrooms in which students feel safe and
comfortable. Including ways to develop an atmosphere of warmth and caring that coexists with professionalism. Teachers will build on their understanding of how the teacher and students work together to effectively and efficiently manage classroom behaviors and procedures.

Face-to-Face in Person
Marion Juvenile Detention Center
Portable 1
Start Date and Time
January 29, 2025 at 8:00 AM
End Date and Time
January 29, 2025 at 12:00 PM
Last Day to Enroll
January 29, 2025 at 12:00 AM
4 Face-to Face hours
1 Hour Homework
5 Credit Total
Objectives for this component may include:
a. Participants will engage in professional learning that focuses on strategies for building respectful classroom interactions between the teacher and students and among classroom peers.
b. Participants will engage in professional learning that focuses on the development of classroom culture that embodies high expectations and a genuine commitment to the content.
c. Participants will engage in professional learning that focuses on strategies for effective classroom routines and procedures. These strategies will include ways to manage instructional groups, transitions, and materials/supplies with minimal guidance and prompting of students.
d. Participants will engage in professional learning that focuses on establishing clear standards of conduct. Professional learning will include strategies for monitoring student behavior, appropriate and respectful responses to student misbehavior, and strategically reinforcing positive behavior in the classroom.
e. Participants will engage in professional learning that focuses on creating a safe and accessible learning environment.