PL-ESE - Behavior Specialist Professional Learning: 2024-2025 (Instructional Behavior Specialists) Meeting: 10/18, 1/6 & 3/14 (8am-12pm) @ MTC
Oct 18, 2024 - Mar 14, 2025
12 credits
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Full course description
This series of professional learning opportunities are specific for behavior specialists that addresses behavior analytic topics that are specific to the school setting and student needs. This collaborative approach focuses on several topics: such as prevention of disruptive behaviors, review functional behavioral assessment, develop behavior intervention plans, determine protocols for trainings, enhance job knowledge, discussions of techniques for behavior management services for students with disabilities, working with staff, and article reviews.
Workday Professional Learning Opportunities on 10/18/24, 1/6/2025 & 3/14/2025.
Sessions are 8:00am to 12:00pm (4 SWD credits per session).
Break out sessions on behavior analytic topics.