PL-ESE -Education of Special Population of Gifted Students (Gifted Endorsement): 2024-2025 (Instructional) Cycle 3: 2/3 - 4/12
Feb 3, 2025 - Apr 12, 2025
60 credits
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Full course description
The purpose of this component is to provide participants with an overview of the challenges and issues that face diverse populations of gifted students as they struggle to gain acceptance, recognition, and access to appropriate gifted education to meet their individual needs. It incorporates central issues in multicultural education that examine questions of equity and excellence; prejudice and stereotyping of special populations; and lack of awareness, understanding, and recognition manifested in discriminatory practices on the national, state, and local levels. It examines policies and procedures to screen, identify, and provide appropriate modifications to curriculum for these diverse gifted students, and concludes with a view of how to evaluate effective practices and exemplary programs for special populations of gifted students.