PL-(FKM) RISE Artificial Intelligence Academy Planning & Development: 2023-2024 (FKM Magnet Lead Teacher) Implementing the Goldberg Gator Engineering Explorers Summer Camp Program: 5/11, 5/18, 5/25, 6/1 (9:00 AM - 11:00 AM)
Ended Jun 1, 2024
8 credits
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Full course description
The Magnet Lead Teacher will participate in professional learning aligned to the goals and objectives of the new academy. The participant will attend multiple sessions with the University of Florida, Gator Goldberg Engineering (MSE MSE EQUiP), and the Institute for Machine and Human Cognition (IHMC) to become familiar with the skills and technologies necessary for supporting the program focus of artificial intelligence, robotics, coding, science, and engineering. The skills and knowledge development gained from attending these sessions will support a successful program implementation.