PL-(HBE) Pre-Planning Professional Learning 2023-2024 (Instructional) Back to School Professional Learning Rotations 8/8 7:30 AM - 3:00 PM (additional session for credit purposes)
Ended Aug 9, 2023
6 credits
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Full course description
This professional learning covers various topics necessary for a successful start to the 2023-2024 school year.
Face-to-Face in Person
Media Center, Art Room, Music Room, Room 212, and Room 215
Start Date and Time
August 8, 2023 at 7:30 AM
End Date and Time
August 9, 2023 at 12:00 AM
Last Day to Enroll
August 7, 2023 at 12:00 AM
Participants in the Professional Learning Rotations at Hammett L. Bowen, Jr. Elementary will rotate through learning opportunities related to the following topics: Building Capacity of School Staff - The staff will receive training on (a) the value and utility of contributions of parents, and (b) in how to reach out to, communicate with parents as equal partners, and (c) to implement and coordinate parent programs and build ties between home and school, and (d) to provide information in a format, to the extent practicable, in a language the parents can understand, and (e) to respond to parent requests for parent and family engagement activities.
Course Facilitator: Ms. Hughes (
Data Digs - 2023 assessment data will be analyzed to make well-informed decisions for instruction, MTSS, differentiation, etc.
Course Facilitators: Ms. Vining ( and
Ms. Crawford (
Data Dashboard - an overview of the Cognia data dashboard
Course Facilitators: Ms. McDermott (kristen.mcdermott and
Ms. Miller (
Curriculum - a review of Savaas curricula and its ancillary components for reading and math. Curriculum maps, related lessons plans, and slide decks will be unpacked for reading and math.
Course Facilitators: Mr. Hunt ( and Ms. Boutwell (
Programs & Guidelines - Important information and updates will be shared related to MTSS, PST, MDT, ESE, & 504
Course Facilitators: Ms. Terrell ( and
Dr. Kaminski (
Tier 1 Behavior - Schoolwide discipline data review, application of the BEAR Expectations (student and staff), and updates on discipline procedures
Collaborative planning strategies will be used.
Course Facilitators: Ms. Mills ( and
Mr. Rivera (